On Air
On-Air Team
If you are looking for a group of radio professionals to provide you with smooth voices and polished segues, you might be disappointed. Instead, we have assembled a team of broken Christ-followers. Our on-air team embraces the messiness of life and ministry, and we are willing to talk about that messiness. We want you to call us family. We want to earn your friendship and trust. We welcome the chance to walk through the highs and lows of life with you. We’re real people who live, work, worship and play in Alamance County, NC – the home of HOPE 104.5.

Kurt Ward
Hope In The Morning
Wendy Roberts
Hope In The Morning

Mike Bey
Hope at Night
Tom Britt
Fox 8 Meteorologist
Adventures In Odyssey

Saturday Mornings
Marketing Team
Our Marketing Specialists here at Hope 104.5 are here to help you grow, not just your business, but your church, your community, and your small business all while sharing Hope! Contact one of our specialists to get more information on advertising on Hope 104.5.

Christi Johnson
Marketing Specialist